Disney Lab Rats: Elite Force

2015G1 Season6.1/10

The Lab Rats join forces with the Mighty Med team.

After the diabolical android Marcus Davenport is defeated on Bionic Island, Donald tasks Chase and Bree with a new mission. The Mighty Med hospital has been destroyed by two shape-shifters with a vendetta against all superheroes. Chase and Bree must now join forces with Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar to form a new “Elite Force” that combines the best of bionics and superpowers. These heroes must learn to work as a team on a new mission to protect Centium City. Together, they vow to track down the villains and keep the world safe.


Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Coming of Age

Cast:William Brent, Bradley Perry, Jake Short, Paris Berelc, Kelli Berglund

Production Country:United States


Added to Disney+:November 18, 2019

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