The Sword in the Stone

1963G80 min7.2/10

Merlin trains a young orphan who's destined to be the King of England.

According to legend, only someone with honor, decency and inner strength can claim the throne of England by pulling out the enchanted sword that lies locked in a massive stone. Many brave knights have tried, so it seems impossible that a young apprentice known as Wart could succeed. But with the guidance of the wizard Merlin, help from some hilarious friends and true strength of character, Wart just might become England's greatest king. Contains tobacco depictions.


Genres:Action-Adventure, Animation, Comedy

Director:Wolfgang Reitherman

Cast:Sebastian Cabot, Karl Swenson, Rickie Sorensen, Junius Matthews, Ginny Tyler, Martha Wentworth

Production Country:United States


Added to Disney+:September 30, 2019

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